Tag Archives: carey sookocheff

A little light reading with hedgehogs and puppies

buddy-earl-baby_1How did I miss the Buddy and Earl books?  Ok, maybe there are only 3 of them.  Maybe they happened to be released when I just wasn’t paying attention.  Maybe they’re a little wordier than my usual picture book reads.  Who knows?

But Buddy and Earl and the Great Big Baby?  I’m this close to using OMG in a post, people.  This baby is a disaster!  It eats Earl’s food, licks Buddy’s toy, escapes from its cage (playpen) and washes Dad’s new shoes in the toilet.  Earl’s response?  “Go find something else for the baby to wash.  We need to keep him busy until help arrives.”  Ha!  Earl may be a bit of a drama queen for a hedgehog, but he’s hilarious.  Buddy provides just the right amount of common sense to make things even funnier.  Maureen Fergus, Carey Sookocheff – get to work on the next one.    I’m thinking it can only make the world a better place.

Buddy and Earl and the Great Big Baby by Maureen Fergus and Carey Sookocheff

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